When setting a streak goal, it's important to remember to set a realistic, maintainable goal. When you view your challenge, you'll be able to see the length of all fellow participant's streaks from the "Group Stats" view, as well as daily stats showing you who met the goal on a specific day and streak trends indicating the length that most streaks in your challenge have lasted to see how you stack up. In addition to using the power of the endowment effect to motivate you to reach your activity goals, you can also view the progress of your fellow challenge participants to help you stay motivated! After all, a little healthy competition can be a great motivator (2). Use social motivation to push yourself further The streak challenge mode uses this psychological effect to help you start a habit that you don't want to break.
In the case of a streak challenge, you've worked hard to meet your step or minutes goal each day and feel an emotional attachment that makes you want to keep that streak alive. When you own something, you're more likely to be attached to it, even if that if object doesn't have objective material value. This feeling is actually due to what psychologists call the endowment effect (1). After all, you worked hard for your streak, and you don't want to lose it and have to start all over!
And as it grows from 2 days to 10, and from 10 to 20, you'll likely feel even more compelled to keep it going.
The longer you keep your streak alive, the better, so consistency is key! We suggest choosing this mode if you want to challenge your group to aim to meet a consistent step or active minutes habit each day in a row.Īs your streak grows, you'll want to keep that streak alive, even if that means taking an extra walk in the evening instead of your normal Netflix-on-the-couch routine. In a Streak challenge, you'll set a daily steps or active minutes goal to achieve as many days in a row as possible up to the length of your challenge.